Web Browsers: IE is Crap

I just needed to rant a bit:
I want to suggest to anyone visiting this site to abandon Internet Explorer. It stinks, period. I know, it comes bundled with the computer you bought, it’s the standard browser for most windows users, but it really really really does stink. There are plenty of other browsers out there that can handle web content so much more gracefully. I’d like to recommend the new Mozilla Firefox (click here to get it). I’ve been using this browser for over a year now (while it was in beta release as Mozilla Firebird) and it’s fantastic. Mozilla makes several other products including Thunderbird, an email and newsgroup management system comparable to MS Outlook (but better, and not susceptible to the plethora of viruses that plague Microsoft products). I use them both in place of the Microsoft products and I can tell you they’re MUCH better. From time to time I’ll come across a website that requires IE, and I’ll use it then, but it’s rare. Okay, and the real reason for my requesting you to switch: my website looks (and acts) so much better in Firefox…there, I said it.



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