Month: April 2005

  • No Migration Detected

    No migration detected last night as winds were steady out of the Northeast. Migrants who arrived over the past few nights have been showing up at all the regular spring locations; so get out there and find them!

  • No Migration Detected

    The current time is 1:29am and it’s raining cats and dogs. Migration has been shut down tonight due to bad weather. This means two things: 1. No new birds will be showing up tomorrow (except for local movements). 2. No birds will be leaving tonight (ie, you have a second chance to find the ones […]

  • Woodcreeper Update

    UPDATED 05/06/05 All is good in the world. The site is once again friendly with Internet Explorer. That said, you should still consider Mozilla Firefox as your primary browser (it rocks).

  • More Bird Over Jerze

    Migration continues tonight! Here are the radar and velocity from just after sunset until 9:45pm this evening This movement appears to be less than last night (less continuity, less of the green signal which represent higher densities of birds). A lighter movement is pretty typical for the second day of a multi-day migration event. I […]

  • Big Migration Over New Jersey!

    Tonight marks the largest flight over New Jersey this spring! Last night’s radar was ablaze with migration across the entire central flyway, from Texas to the Great Lakes. With the wind switch to the south early this morning, and the relatively clear sky, tonight is the night for the Northeast. This pattern is typical this time of year, as we see frontal systems move west to east across the country.


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