Back in New Jersey

We’re back, and we’re married!
We had a wonderful “wedding week” with lots of fun hiking, biking, swimming, and most of all, partying, with family and friends. Inga and I were so taken aback with how many of our loved ones could make it to the mountains of Georgia for the wedding- a testament to how truly lucky we are.
From Georgia we headed east, to Sicily, for two weeks of honeymooning. We focused our time on the northwest corner of the island, visiting Palermo, Monreale, San Giuseppe Jato (where my grandparents are from), Piana Degil Albanesi, Scopello & Zingaro National Reserve, the ruins at Segesta, Trapani, Erice, the island of Pantelleria, and Marsala.
There are plenty of stories to tell from both the wedding and our trip to Italy, and I plan to do so through periodic entries on this blog- so keep an eye out!
In the meantime, I’ve created a flickr group as a depository for wedding photos here: La Puma Wedding Photos; and a set on my flickr site for photos from our honeymoon here: Sicily Set.

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