The Birds are Coming, the Birds are Coming!

or going…depending on how you look at it. It’s that time again folks, Fall migration is beginning, despite the sweltering heat. Birds are already on the move (well, there are always some birds on the move, but you know what I mean) and it’s only going to get heavier over the next few weeks. It looks like the persistent westerly winds will switch around to northerlies on Thursday night, and we could see some of the first waves of migrants making their way over the Garden State. Thanks to Noel Wamer from Florida, who woke me out of my summer haze last week when he noticed some migration on the evening radar. Of course, it IS still early, so don’t let my Orwellian ways lead you astray…it’ll be the better part of a month before we see the “fall magic” unfold. I’ll be posting semi-regularly when the conditions look good, and more frequently as we near the end of August. I hope you all come by and participate in the discussions, and hopefully I’ll be seeing you in the field.

Good Birding!

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