Month: March 2007

  • Noel Wamer – Self proclaimed grumpy old liberal – radar guru – passes on.

    At the end of each summer and winter I’d get an email from Noel announcing the coming of another migration season. These would continue through the spring and fall, during which we would both announce to the other how “awesome” the flight was on a given night. Noel used to run a website called, […]

  • Migration over Jerze

    Some birds were on the move last night, with southerly winds predominating along the approaching cold front. Here’s the radar from last night: Frames represent 1/2 hour intervals As for the next few days, the winds should turn northerly as the front makes its slow passage over our area, shutting down migration completely. Keep your […]

  • Birds on the move tonight

    Well, it’s not a major movement over New Jersey, but birds are clearly on the move. The winds are light and from the southeast, making for some nice migration conditions. I’m on my way to Florida tomorrow morning, so I may not be able to update the site as often as I’d like. Please use the websites […]

  • Migration on the Eastern Flyway: Update

    Birds were on the move last night up and down the Eastern Flyway. I set my alarm for 5am, but somehow turned it off in my sleep…geesh. I would expect new birds to be around today, but unless you’ve got the old ones marked somehow, you probably won’t see too much change in the players. […]

  • Migration on the Eastern Flyway

    Winds are light and out of the south, therefore birds are on the move up and down the east coast. Most notable, though, is the flight from Central and Northern Florida, with a nice, yet smaller push out of Cuba toward the Keys. VA and DE and NJ are all showing signs of migration, so […]


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