Month: September 2007

  • Big flight over Jersey

    Sweet! The cold front that stretched over central New York and Pennsylvania last night made its way across the region through the early morning, and with it brought northwesterly winds and lots and lots of BIRDS! Here’s the radar from sunset last night through 5:00am this morning. Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and […]

  • Migration forecast

    I’ve posted a migration forecast to The future is looking bright for some migration over the next two nights…we’ll have to watch and see if birds migrating to our west tonight, make it into our airspace by morning…it could be good! I’ll post the radar in the AM.

  • No migration tonight

    There’s only a trace of possible migration on the radar- although the radar itself is full of clutter. This is likely due to pollen, insects, and also the temperature inversion which occurred after sunset (typical when a cool night follows a hot day). I won’t be posting the radar in the AM, but will catch […]

  • Caught off guard…more birds over Jersey!

    Man…you turn away for a couple of hours and look what happens…BIRDS MIGRATE! Not only that, but the wind forecasts were all weird last night (or maybe it was me…I’m still not sure). Here’s the radar from sunset last night through sunrise this morning. Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and velocity, and every […]

  • Little migration last night

    Migration was minimal across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic last night, as winds were less than favorable, and frankly, the majority of birds “ready to migrate” have probably moved through over the last several days of optimal migration conditions. Here’s the radar from sunset last night through 5:30am this morning. Frames are every 1/2 hour for […]


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