No migration last night

With the passage of the cold front yesterday, and the building in of high pressure and northwest winds, migration was effectively shutdown. Here’s the composite radar for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region from sunset last night through 5:30am this morning.

Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and velocity, and every hour for the regional composite. Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
Composite Base Reflectivity image from the Northeastern USA

Unlike the last few night, the only thing showing up on the radar last night was weather associated with the front moving in a NW–>SE direction across the region. Migration conditions are poor and will likely remain poor well into the week. I’ll post an extended forecast on later today. The birding is still great, owing to some very heavy migration over the weekend, so get out there and B I R D H A R D!

Good Birding


One response to “No migration last night”

  1. N. Waterthrush at the CF today. Record early for me by 5 days. It was reported yesterday so I guess it came in the night before. Also today Palm (4), Pine, YR, BG Gnat, both Kinglets. The Glossy Ibis continues.


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