More migrants over Jerze

South winds and relatively clear skies paved the way for another push of migrants into the mid-Atlantic. Here’s the radar from sunset last night through 7:30am this morning.

Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and velocity, and every hour for the regional composite. Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.

Base Reflectivity image from Fort Dix Base Velocity image from Fort Dix Base Reflectivity image from Dover AFB Base Velocity image from Dover AFB Composite Base Reflectivity image from the Northeastern USA

With June knocking at our door, this push represents one of the last major movements of Neotropical migrants into the region. Both the Fort Dix and Dover radars showed strong migration signals immediately after sunset and tapering off after midnight. The regional composite showed widespread migration across the mid-Atlantic and Southeast, with heavy migration over the Northeast. This correlates directly with the greater density of continuing migrants north of our area… a sure sign that migration is “winding down” around here.

With that I’ll declare June 1st the final day of this migration study, but will continue to post periodically if late-season events unfold. Thanks to everyone who has come by and left a comment about their birding experiences, and a special thanks to those who have supported the site financially. With your contributions I can fund the hosting for for another year, and have made a small donation to my computer programmer who will (hopefully) have the site more automated by Fall 2008 (if not, I’ll probably have to quit, considering I’ll be a father by late fall). In the meantime, I hope to see you all afield.

Good Birding


P.S. Come check out my migration forecast for the Mid-Atlantic on

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