Heavy migration across mid-Atlantic

Clear skies and northeasterly winds made for a big night of nocturnal migration across the region. Here’s the radar from 7:00pm last night through 5:00am this morning.

Frames are every 1/2 hour. Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.

Base Reflectivity image from Fort Dix Base Velocity image from Fort Dix Base Reflectivity image from Dover AFB Base Velocity image from Dover AFB Composite Base Reflectivity image from the Northeastern USA

High pressure across the Northeast and mid-Atlantic set the stage for optimal migration conditions last night. All radars (except the extreme northeastern US) showed heavy migration beginning just after sunset and continuing into the early morning hours. The local radars indicate a NE->SW trajectory, suggesting that the light northeast winds are pushing birds slightly west. This bodes well for inland fall migrant traps this morning, including the southern end of the Watchung Mountains (Chimney Rock) and locations along the north shore of the Delaware Bay. Fall migrant traps throughout Pennsylvania should also be good this morning as migration was heavy over the entire state.

Good Birding


P.S. I’ve posted an updated migration forecast for the Mid-Atlantic on Birdcapemay.org and it looks like we’ve got some interesting migration weather on board for the Friday… so come check it out.

Please don’t forget to become a member of the Woodcreeper/Badbirdz flock today. For more information, please check out the Become a Member post.


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