Oh the holiday spirit got the best of me… or maybe it was the spring weather. Either way, I hope everyone took it in stride. The funny thing is, I really do believe that the “Perfect Storm” did have some effect down here! In truth, though, my major predictions for today were definitely geared towards making the grand finale on the View from the Cape blog more believable. Now any really rare birds that actually do show up, I cannot claim credit for.

That said, we had 3 Glossy Ibis from the roof of our office today around 1:30pm, and Michael O’Brian (not his evil doppelganger, Brian O’Michael) just reported HUNDREDS of Double-crested Cormorants heading north over Cape May Point. Birds ARE around, if you look for them… now to go find a Tiger Heron…

Happy April, Everyone; the big flights are only days away (maybe even tonight)!

Good Birding,



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