Day: May 7, 2013

  • Birds make a big push up the central flyway last night!

    Birds make a big push up the central flyway last night!

    Pre-sunset South Texas received some trans-Gulf migrants late yesterday afternoon, while sunset triggered migration across the southeastern US and New England. The Mid Atlantic and PA suffered another night of high-pressure-induced-migrant-shutout-fatgue, causing Drew to jump ship for Ohio and Vince to simply shake his fist at the sky over Cape May and say, “why, now that I have all the time in the world, am I being robbed of spring migration!?”. Dawn, on the other hand, finally picked up some birds in North Cackalacky as low pressure moved north and east over the Barbecue States. The Central Flyway was where all the big action was, as it lit up like Christmas after sunset (if Christmas colors were blues and greens). Migration in the west was heaviest along the Pacific coast but was evident throughout the mountainous west along with scattered precipitation.


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