Category: Fall Migration 2010

  • birds on the move!

    a self fulfilling prophesy I suppose… woke up late, radar didn’t download, had guests in town, can’t find my glasses… is it Monday again!? Birds were on the move last night- not a huge flight, and definitely heaviest over the southeast US, but still some influx into the mid-Atlantic. Good Birding! David

  • Here I Go Again On My Own…

    (anyone catch the reference? hint: my third concert, ever.) I just realized how similar running this website is to an exercise regime… slow to start, many moments of doubt, thoughts of “I really don’t have much time for this now…”, followed by a few days dusting off the cobwebs and updating computer scripts to get […]

  • Migration weather for the weekend

    It looks like we will see birds moving on both Thursday and Friday nights, as wind gradually become more conducive for migration. Conditions tonight will favor migration over New Jersey and southern New York, while tomorrow night we should expect more widespread migration across the mid-Atlantic,  northeastern US and southern Canada. A general westerly component […]

  • The inequality of cold fronts

    Looking at the forecast today, it appears we have a cold front destined to stall across NJ by Tuesday night. Normally south winds precede a cold front followed by northwest winds behind the front. This makes migration more-or-less predictable, at least at a coarse geographical scale. All cold fronts aren’t created equal, though, and so […]

  • Incoming!

    It’s August- and the birds are heading south again. Last night the mid-Atlantic saw one of the first notable pushes of nocturnal migrants of the fall season. I’ll get the radar up later today… but first I’m off to do a little ground-truthing at the Higbee WMA. Good Birding! David


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