Big Migration Over New Jersey

Many birds moved out of the NE, over New Jersey and headed south. Interestingly, the early morning easterly wind flow seems to have precluded any major arrivals along the east coast. Reports from several night-flight listeners indicated a very heavy flight of birds at all hours, including large numbers of Veery and Green Herons. Diurnal reports indicated the heaviest concentrations along the western interior, including Stokes Forest and West Milford, where coastal spots such as Sandy Hook and Cape May were noticeably lacking. Here’s the radar from sunset on 9/10 to sunrise on 9/11:


One response to “Big Migration Over New Jersey”

  1. No morning flight this morning, but feeding flocks around in various Cumberland County areas.
    These birds probably moved in either yesterday of perhaps a few this morning. Here’s what was
    around: 1 to 3 each of Black and White, Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, Blackburnian,
    Parula, Common Yellowthroat, Magnolia, Cape May, and Pine Warblers, and 13 Redstarts. Many
    Cedar Waxwing and Bobolink flocks, both Summer and Scarlet Tanagers around in good numbers.
    2 Baltimore Orioles, 1 Alder, 1 Traill’s, 1 empi sp., 2 Pewees, etc. etc.

    Sandra Keller
    Barrington, NJ


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