Big migration over The Garden State (AM update)

Last night’s radar showed some pretty awesome movement over the Garden State. See the post from last night for more discussion.

Here’s the radar:


The precipitation that moved into our area did indeed bring some of these birds down, so the largest concentrations look as if they’d be inland, around central NJ. As I’ve said before, species composition is a mystery with this type of imagery. All I can tell from the data is that there were a whole lot of birds on the move last night.


2 responses to “Big migration over The Garden State (AM update)”

  1. Many RC Kinglets,Chipping Sparrows,WT Sparrows, Juncos,1 Orange-crowned warbler, 3-4 Hermit Thrush, impressive numbers of Black and Ring-necked Ducks and three Pied-billed grebes. Not much diversity but a Nice morning. Talk to you soon. Chris Aquila – Natural Resource and Research Supervisor, Duke Farms

  2. This morning on the “Back 40” there were numerous RC and GC Kinglets, many Yellow-rumped and Palm Warblers, two Lincoln Sparrows, a White-crowned Sparrow, Field, Savannah, Song, White-throated and Swamp all in good numbers. A few Juncos (including a partially eaten one, probably by the Sharpie patrolling the area) and a Great-horned Owl.


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