Big migration all around us (emphasis on “around”)

Well, as I said last night, birds were moving all up and down the east coast. If you check out the northeast composite image, you’ll see the large frontal system west of Pennsylvania, extending north and then east over New York state. As the evening progresses, this front marches east across central Pennsylvania and shuts down the migration in its path. Many birds are seen entering the radars across the Northeast just after sunset, and show a typical peak at midnight and steep decrease after 2:00am. Notice though, how New Jersey is conspicuously “quiet” last night. Checking both the velocity and reflectivity images, you can see that only a bit of incoming migration occurs on our western boundary (entering from eastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware and Maryland). There was a small amount of migration out of New Jersey from southeast –> northwest as well. Given these conditions, I would anticipate that the really good birding this morning would be along the Delaware river, at locations such as Palmyra, and Washington’s Crossing Park; and possibly Garret Mountain since some birds appeared to be entering north-central New Jersey from both the southwest and the southeast. I would appreciate feedback from anyone who ventures out into the field before the rain arrives. Here’s the radar from sunset last night through 5:30am this morning.

Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and velocity, and 1 hour for the regional composite
Base Reflectivity image from Fort DixBase Velocity image from Fort DixBase Velocity image from Fort Dix

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4 responses to “Big migration all around us (emphasis on “around”)”

  1. Today (4/4/07) I saw the first of year Eastern Pheobe in the woods behind Starkey Apartments, Cook College.Killdeer activity is picking up, they nest on the gravel roof of Perry dormatory near Skelly Field.
    -stephen Bahr, Cook Housing Maintenence

  2. Thanks for the observations Stephen. Did you happen to see the Lesser Black-backed Gull on Skelly field yesterday? It was an adult in breeding plumage- very stunning. After the rain subsided neither Tom Virzi nor myself could relocate it.



  3. Nope I missed it,
    After reading your post I searched yesteray morning but couldn’t find it , I will keep an eye out.

    – Stephen Bahr

  4. one more update :
    Another good sighting today in Starkey woods,
    first of year Brown Creeper !

    – Stephen Bahr


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