Birds over New Jersey

Well it wasn’t the mother load, but birds were definitely migrating from the south into and around New Jersey. The majority of migration last night took place over Virgina and points west of us, although birds are seen migrating from the Southwest to Northeast over the north end of Delaware Bay into SW New Jersey and continuing in a NE trajectory across the state. New birds should be apparent from the Delaware river to Garret Mountain to Sandy Hook. Anyone out there see anything??

Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and velocity, and 1 hour for the regional composite
Base Reflectivity image from Mt. Holly, NJBase Velocity image from Mt. Holly, NJBase Reflectivity image from Dover, DEBase Velocity image from Dover, DE Regional Base Reflectivity for the Northeast

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2 responses to “Birds over New Jersey”

  1. Hello Dave, Here is some ground-truthing for Garret this morning. No conspicuous ridge migration this morning. Seemingly a significant number of birds left last night but not many arrived today. Only noticable change was a very small influx of palm warblers. The small flight of pine warblers that occurred the night before already left the park. Most juncos and virtually all fox sparrows left last night. Regards, Bruce

  2. Sorry for the late post Dave,
    We had an influx of Palm Warblers in Peaslee Wildlife Management Area and had a couple in Belleplain State Forest as well- I also heard there were some Palm Warblers in areas around Lake Nummy yesterday where we had no Palm Warblers the day before….so there was some movement! Can not wait to get out there tom’r (Friday) morning!


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