BIG Migration tonight from Maine to New Jersey

There’s a strong NE wind gradient offshore right now, and it has set off some serious migration heading straight into New Jersey. I won’t be able to post the radar tomorrow morning since I’ll be at the airport- but you can get the latest radar images from the NCAR site here, and I’ll post the radar with interpretation tomorrow afternoon. I’ve also posted a forecast for the entire weekend, on, so go check it out and get ready for a good Autumn Weekend!

Good Birding


One response to “BIG Migration tonight from Maine to New Jersey”

  1. Duke was hopping this morning! Nothing particularly surprising, though some nice birds were around..

    White Throated Sparrows were by far the most common migrant in our wooded blocks…I think our numbers quadrupled since yesterday. Many more Juncoes and Swamps came in as well.

    In the more open areas, Savannahs have largely cleared out- I only had about 20 or so. Actually White Throateds outnumbered everything else out here too. More Swamps, quite a number of Songs and Vesper. Surprisingly, no white crowns.

    now for the non-sparrow news…
    -big influx of robins and flickers…there was so many robins already its tough to gauge, but I’d say our numbers increased substantially since yeserday.
    -No meadowlarks at all this morning…we had 30 or so yesterday, they were all either laying low or they cleared out (I’d guess the latter)
    -a few dozen purple finches, probably the same birds that have been here for the last few weeks. Theres been no shortage of food..tons of ashes going to seed on this property
    -2 hermit thrushes, 1 swainson’s
    -6 Palm Warblers…getting late…20 or so rumps
    -both kinglets everywhere, brown creeper, sap, etc.

    as for raptors, 9 kestrels on our fields in all. Two different sharp shins passed overhead this morning as well.

    waterfowl: ring necks, black duck, ruddys, wood ducks, gw teal…one snow goose mixed in with all the canadas.

    I am greatly looking forward to this weekend. Waterfowl, owls, and hopefully more northern migrants up in Sussex. Though sunday’s forecast may get me to raccoon ridge. I am hoping for an evening grosbeak but will settle for a pine siskin or an oct. fox sparrow.

    good birding everyone


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