Heavy migration tonight

I just wanted to post a quick note that migration is again very heavy tonight (Sat. night). Winds are out of the east, pushing birds to the west, so the best birding tomorrow will be inland and along the Delaware River. I need to get a bird survey done in NYC tomorrow morning so I will not be able to post the radar until later in the afternoon.

Good Birding, and PLEASE come back and post your results… the birding conditions have been quite interesting lately, especially in light of the heavy migration we’ve experienced.


2 responses to “Heavy migration tonight”

  1. You were right! as usual…
    Sandy hook had lots of new arrivals, black and white warb, yellow warb, kingbirds, savannah sparrow, blue-headed vireo, lots of red-breasted nuthatches etc. Thanks for keeping us updated!!!

  2. Michelle & I birded the south end of a sleepy Bull’s Island from 7-10a this morning. Highlights included a Wood Duck pair, 3 Palm Warblers and a report of Y-t Warbler seen by another birder on the North end of the Is.

    Canada Goose; Wood Duck pair; Mallard; Common Merganser; GBH (flying down river on the PA side);

    R-b & Downey Woodpeckers; N. Flicker; Chickadees; Titmice; W-b Nuthatch; Carolina Wren;

    B-g Gnatcatcher; E. Bluebird; A. Robin;

    Yellow Warbler (song heard in the distance); Y-t Warbler (reported by another birder on trail); 3 Palm Warbler (on trail);

    E. Towhee; Chipping, Song (many) & W-t Sparrows (few);

    N. Cardinal; B-h Cowbird (too many); and A. Goldfinch.

    Dana Beaton, Lower Warren Co.


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