when Jeff called and asked if I wanted to come to Honduras for a new Leica product launch, I immediately checked my schedule and earmarked vacation days and said OF COURSE!! While I’ve been to South America twice in the last decade, both times for work and little free time, this will be my first time returning to the Central American tropics since around 2001…and I am STOKED!! Honduras generally, and the Lodge at Pico Bonito, specifically, have been on my short list of places I want to visit. Having crossed paths with James Adams, who runs Pico Bonito, over the last five years I know that one can expect great things around the lodge, and even more within a short drive from it. Getting to do it all with a stellar group of birders, naturalists and great writers, just sweetens the deal! So stay tuned as I blog about our adventures over the next week. In the meantime…where is the ticket agent!?