Author: David La Puma

  • No Migration Detected

    No migration last night, likely due again to the soutwesterly airflow…

  • No Migration Detected

    Winds out of the Southwest seem to have kept much from happening last night. Some small signature is seen after sunset but dissipates by midnight, possible due more to atmospheric causes…

  • Bird on the Move

    Look at that radar light up! Here’s a national composite (click the image to see the animation)…look at how the radar stations light up just after sunset, moving west with the setting sun. The last image is from about 10:30pm. Birds are moving all across the country! …

  • Small Migration Evident

    Here’s the image from this morning. The image includes the entire loop, from sunset last night to 7:00am this morning. Birds are seen entering the radar after sunset, moving southwest, and then being put down by the weather as it moved northeast…

  • Birds lifting off from New Jersey (PM)

    With little to no wind over the state, some birds are on the move tonight…


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