Category: Fall Migration 2005

  • No Migration Detected

    No migration last night with south winds and a ton of Rita leftovers. Tonight we’re expecting light northerlies all up and down the east coast, so anticipate some good movement. I should mention that the central flyway was ablaze with migration last night…I wonder what the night listeners were hearing over MI and OH!? I […]

  • Big Migration over Jerze

    Here’s an archived set of radar loops from the night of 9/23 through sunrise on 9/24. It looks like a pretty impressive migration over our area, and for the entire east coast.

  • Birds on the move

    Birds were on the move last night, with winds out of the west after sunset, switching around to the northwest around midnight. In the first image of the radar loop you can see the back edge of the cold front that passed over us yesterday. This is the same cold front that sparked a massive […]

  • No Migration Detected

    none, zilch, nunca. Winds were out of the southwest. No birdies in the sky. Actually, that’s not entirely true. There were lots of birds moving down the central flyway, behind a cold front that is moving our way. Stay tuned tonight!

  • More migration, less insight

    Last night the winds never got cranking out of the northeast. Instead they remained light and variable, but light and variable combined with a clear night sky was enough to get the birds moving. Unfortunately when you have a clear, warm day (like yesterday) followed by a clear, cool night where the air temp cools […]


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