
It’s happening…last night there was a push with the northerly tail winds…it’s still early, but birds are on the move again. My radar download isn’t running yet, but hopefully it’ll be working in the next couple of days. I’ll keep you posted!

Viva Fall Migration 2007!


2 responses to “Migration!”

  1. David,

    Just curious, I just looked at Doppler for Sterling, VA at 12:50 pm. If it was nighttime it would look like migration. Do you know what would be causing radar pattern? bugs?

    I record nighttime flight calls and enjoy your blog.

    Andy – Gaithersburg, MD

  2. Andy
    Thanks for stopping by. Afternoon signals could be anything- diurnal birds (although not as likely), bugs, pollen, etc. Check the velocity image- what direction is it moving? Is it moving with or against the wind? What about the speed? I did notice that later that evening there was a nocturnal flight over VA. What have you been picking up on the nighttime flight calls thus far this Fall?




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