South winds over Jerze

Winds were out of the south last night, and hence, there was only a trace of migration visible on the radar. Here’s the radar from sunset last night through 5:30am this morning:

Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and velocity, and every hour for the regional composite. Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
Base Reflectivity image from Fort DixBase Velocity image from Fort DixBase Reflectivity image from Dover AFBBase Velocity image from Dover AFBComposite Base Reflectivity image from the Northeastern USA

Most of the base reflectivity signal present last night was either anomalous propagation (caused by the temperature inversion after sunset) or objects moving with the wind (south –> north; pollen, dust, etc.). These can be determined by looking at the velocity image, which only shows a small amount of movement from the north –> south. As for the region, the breaking point between migration and non-migration was around North Carolina, such that all points south of NC along the eastern flyway experienced moderate to heavy levels of migration. This should mean that most of the birds that entered our area over the weekend will still be around, waiting for you to find them!

Good Birding, and happy Labor Day.

P.S. Come see what’s happening down south on woodcreeper’s sister site: Badbirdz – Reloaded

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2 responses to “South winds over Jerze”

  1. Morning Flight: Light 0-5 mph SSE wind, clear conditions
    Counter: Sam Galick

    Ruby-throated Hummingbird- 1
    Eastern Kingbird- 4
    Red-breasted Nuthatch- 2
    Blue-gray Gnatcatcher- 1
    American Robin- 2
    Cedar Waxwing- 13
    Northern Parula- 1
    Cape May Warbler- 1
    Blackburnian Warbler- 1
    Black and White Warbler- 1
    American Redstart- 6
    Northern Waterthrush- 6
    Warbler sp.- 4
    Bobolink- 2
    Baltimore Oriole- 2

    Total birds: 47

    Notes: South winds presented a poor flight this morning, many of the birds heading South. A Yellow-breasted Chat showed itself at the interpretation tower.

  2. Thanks Sam! Your posts really make the site what I was hoping it would become- a place for people to compare the radar with on-the-ground data.




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