Another night of migration along the east coast

Here’s the radar from sunset last night through 5:00am this morning.

Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and velocity, and every hour for the regional composite. Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
Base Reflectivity image from Fort DixBase Velocity image from Fort DixBase Reflectivity image from Dover AFBBase Velocity image from Dover AFBComposite Base Reflectivity image from the Northeastern USA

Light north winds over the extreme east coast set the stage for moderate levels of nocturnal migration all the way from Maine down to southern Georgia. A weak cold front to our west has shut down migration over the western portion of the eastern flyway, which is why we only saw migration along the extreme coast last night. Since flow was generally N–>S, and no precipitation was present to concentrate birds, the regular fall migrant traps are the best choices for today- both coastal and inland.

P.S. Come see what’s happening down south on woodcreeper’s sister site: Badbirdz – Reloaded

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One response to “Another night of migration along the east coast”

  1. After 2 days of virturally no warblers–the Celery Farm was decent today–2nd best day this fall warbler-wise (after Sunday) with 7 warblers present: Parula (3), Yellow-rumped (3), Palm (2–1 of each race), yellow, yellowthroat, Nashville, Ch-sided. A surprising 5+ Hummers; RE Vireo (3), Phoebe, Waxwings, Shoveler (3); and a perched, calling Red-shoulder which was joined by a curious Im Coopers.


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