Moderate migration with possible fallout conditions inland

As birds migrated overhead last night, a cold front moved into the region bringing with it strong winds and some thunderstorms. Here’s the radar from sunset last night through 5:00am this morning:

Frames are every 1/2 hour for reflectivity and velocity, and every hour for the regional composite. Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
Base Reflectivity image from Fort DixBase Velocity image from Fort DixBase Reflectivity image from Dover AFBBase Velocity image from Dover AFBComposite Base Reflectivity image from the Northeastern USA

As you can see, there was a moderate amount of migration occurring before the passage of the front. As soon as the front approaches, though, birds drop out of the sky. This could mean fallout conditions along the frontal boundary, which seems to be right up the “NJ Turnpike”, or right up the central region of the state. I would expect high concentrations of birds at Garret Mountain, Chimney Rock, and at sites along the Delaware River. Places like Cold Brook Preserve, which are notorious for big sparrow days, would also be a good bet this morning. The rule of thumb is if the rain woke you up, check your backyard for migrants.

Good Birding


P.S. Come check out my migration forecast for the Mid-Atlantic on

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3 responses to “Moderate migration with possible fallout conditions inland”

  1. Not much moving on the D&R Canal near Landing Lane this morning. The only definite migrants were two yellow-rumped warblers. The rest were either resident species or summer holdovers.

  2. Very quiet at the CF this morning as well–seems that many birds moved out last nite and little replaced them. Only “new” birds I had today was a single RE Vireo and a flyover PIPIT (heard only)–my first of the fall. Other migrants were: RC Kinglet (1), White-crowend Sparrow (2 incl an adult), several Y-rumps and P-finches, and an Indigo Bunting.

  3. Overpeck was good today w/ Nashville Warbler,Pine,Bay Breasted,Palm,Yellow Rump,BTGreen,Common Yellowthroat,Blackpoll,and CHAT were all present.Sparrows,Songs,Swamps,Lincolns,
    Whitecrowns,Fields,and Whitethroats.

    Good Birding Kevin Bolton.


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