Month: April 2013

  • Heavy migration finally reaches the Upper Midwest

    Heavy migration finally reaches the Upper Midwest

    With a few exceptions, migration was hot and heavy or most of the US last night. Birds continued to stream across the Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits and make landfall throughout the US Gulf Coast. Birds also poured up through all four major flyways- the Pacific, Central, Mississippi and Eastern. High pressure over the Northeastern US as well as in the Four Corners region of the west, represented the only areas where migration was not evident on the radar last night.

  • More broad front migration across the US

    More broad front migration across the US

    Continuing on yesterday’s theme, migration was widespread throughout the US as several fronts pushed eastward across the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard. Many birds were seen coming across the Gulf of Mexico and from the Caribbean, and migration was evident along both coasts throughout the morning hours. Migration was still heaviest in the southern part of the country which bodes well with the seasonal phenology of available resources… also suggesting that the Upper Midwest will have to wait a little longer for a big influx of Neotropical Migrants!

  • Heavy migration across the US

    Heavy migration across the US

    Migration was hot last night from sea to shining sea, the only exception being right under the strong low pressure system across the Missouri/Kentucky area. The radar showed strong trans-gulf migration yesterday afternoon followed by heavy nocturnal migration from the Caribbean to New England, and west to the Pacific Ocean. Good stuff! Spring has SPRUNG!!!

  • Into the swing of spring

    National overview Migration continued up the Pacific, Central, Mississippi and Eastern Flyways last night, broken up a bit by a stationary front draped across the Southern Plains region. High pressure over the Great Basin limited western migration to the coastal states, but otherwise April 27 is looking exactly like April 27th should: lots of Trans-Gulf […]

  • The floodgates begin to open over the Central Flyway

    The floodgates begin to open over the Central Flyway

    It might be easier to discuss where migration didn’t occur last night rather than where it did, given how widespread it was over the country. High pressure over New England, the Ohio Valley and the Great Basin kept birds down last night, while a series of low pressure systems and associated fronts triggered migration along both coasts and especially up the Central Flyway into the Upper Midwest.


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