Category: NEXRAD Migration Study

  • Birds on the move again

    Birds on the move again

    Birds were on the move again across much of the Southeast, Upper Midwest and Western U.S. last night. The heaviest flights continued to be over the Upper Midwest and Eastern Plains following the passage of the most recent cold front across the middle of the country.

  • Widespread migration continues across most of U.S.

    Widespread migration continues across most of U.S.

    Except for the Great Plains region, where winds were stronger and out of the south, much of the U.S. experienced either very light wind or northerly winds which are more conducive to southbound migration. Due to these widespread favorable conditions, we saw another night of migration from coast to coast with the heaviest movements east of the Mississippi and south of the Great Lakes.

  • Widespread migration across the U.S.

    Widespread migration across the U.S.

    It might still feel like summer across most of the U.S., but it’s late August and the lack of strong winds at all altitudes appears to have triggered widespread migration from coast to coast. The heaviest movement continued to be out of the Upper Midwest where birds could be seen streaming in from Southern Canada down through southwest Iowa. See below for a more detailed look at this region.

  • Migrants hit North Woods behind front

    Migrants hit North Woods behind front

    Migration intensity continues to build across the U.S. with the heaviest migration occurring across the southern half of the country, as well as the Upper Midwest and Southern Canada.

  • Late May riders on the storm

    Late May riders on the storm

    Migration activity was highest across the northern tier of states from the Great Lakes to New England last night, while birds were still on the move from South Texas up through the Central U.S. along the latest frontal boundary. Fallout conditions are possible along the frontal boundary, especially along the Lake Michigan shoreline of Wisconsin this morning. Lighter migration was also evident up through the Desert Southwest, along the Central Valley of California, and up into the Pacific Northwest.


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